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  • Memorial PTO

Q&A: Fun Run!

On each day of the program, which starts with a pep rally on September 27th, students will experience an engaging "Castle Quest" theme while learning the values of Fitness, Leadership & Character in their everyday lives. The daily lessons help students build confidence and learn how to make positive mental, physical and social choices throughout the entire school year. It also encourages them to develop healthy habits they can use and sustain throughout life.

During Boosterthon, students are encouraged to help raise funds for our school by gathering donations from family and friends for the celebratory final event, the Fun Run, to be held on Tuesday, October 8th. At the Fun Run, each grade will have an assigned 30-35 minute time slot on the back field to run (or walk or skip or dance or roll) at their own pace on a specially designed mini track called the "Boosterthon Speedway". As the kids make their laps there will be music, encouragement, and enthusiasm. It will be a highly energized activity as the Boosterthon staff does a great job of making this a super fun event for all.

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